In moments the harpoon shaft and foreshaft bobbed to the surface, but the bone harpoon head, its line taut, turning the head in the wound, held fast. In this foreshaft was set the head of the harpoon, of bone, drilled, with a point of sharpened slate. This sort of observation may be important for a flaneur, but it is dreadful for any reader of this book, who probably does not want to know where the remaining harpoons will end up. Coastal defense batteries, from which it would be fired with a solid-fuel rocket booster.Submarines (the UGM-84, fitted with a solid-fuel rocket booster and encapsulated in a container to enable submerged launch through a torpedo tube) Surface ships (the RGM-84, fitted with a solid-fuel rocket booster that detaches when expended, to allow the missile's main turbojet to maintain flight).The missile's launch platforms include:įixed-wing aircraft (the AGM-84, without the solid-fuel rocket booster) The regular Harpoon uses active radar homing, and a low-level, sea-skimming cruise trajectory to improve survivability and lethality. The missile system has also been further developed into a land-strike weapon, the Standoff Land Attack Missile (SLAM). In 2004, Boeing delivered the 7,000th Harpoon unit since the weapon's introduction in 1977. The Harpoon is an all-weather, over-the-horizon, anti-ship missile system, developed and manufactured by McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing Defense, Space & Security).